Our choir practice is held every Tuesday in The Pallant Hall, The Pallant Centre in Havant, PO9 1BE near Portsmouth in Hampshire, from 7.00pm to 9.30pm.
To find out more about joining the Choir click the button. You will jump to our JOIN US page where we explain how nice we all are and what fun it is to sing in a group.
We are committed to make sure everyone can access our events a feel included.
The Solent Male Voice Choir is a four-part all male choir. We currently have around 24 choir members and we sing for fun, singing in four to six concerts per year.
You may be thinking "Can SMVC sing at our event?".
Well, yes, we probably can. We love it when other people organise and event and all we do is turn up and sing. It all depends on what, where and when. Click the Book Us button.