Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

UPDATED 20 Aug 2020
Your committee had considered how to proceed with an AGM during these difficult times. Our Constitution requires us to hold an AGM to receive reports, ratify our accounts and to elect officers.
It should have been held in April 2020.
As we were unable to meet, and as some members are not digitally connected, we decided that we would ask the members if an AGM by post will be acceptable. Letters to this effect were sent to all SMVC Members. No objections were received.
We then continued with the business of the AGM. The following Committee Members were re-elected:
David McVittie – Chairman/Publicity
David Lusby – Vice Chairman/Minutes Secretary
Mervyn Turk - Treasurer
Bob Crutchley – Stage Manager/Sections Rep.
Roger Lygoe - Secretary
Peter Weller – Librarian
David Rydiard
Geoff Porter – Musical Director
In addition Huw, as Musical Director, will become an ex-officio member of the committee on 1st September.
We realised that this is not entirely in accord with our Constitution, and did not give an opportunity for discussion, but your Committee could not see another way of holding an AGM during this difficult time. Hopefully we will hold an AGM at the designated date in 2021 when we can openly discuss choir matters as usual.
At the Committee Meeting on 19th August the results were announced.  Your committee also took the opportunity to thank Geoff Porter our MD, for his many years of service to the Choir.  We wished him good fortune in his endeavours with the Hampshire POlice Male Voice Choir.  We hope to show Geoff our appreciation at a future SMVC event when we are all back singing.

Dave McVittie

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