Thiis page tries explain how you can download and access the SMVC Afterglow book.
You can download it to your Smartphone, your tablet or your laptop/desktop computer. Its format is the universal PDF format.
If you would like to print your Afterglow book, and have a suitable printer, you can print it as a booklet as an A4 or A5.
The ever-expanding book has (in August 2024) 79 pages so you may not wish to actually print on paper but to access the file on your handheld device or laptop. As new songs are added, it might be beneficial to only have Afterglow on your hand-held device.
First of all, whether you print or not, you need to download the file.
Before you click the link above you need to be sure you know where you are downloading the file to. Your computer may offer you a choice, or the ability to create a folder in to which you can download the file. Any handheld device might simply place the file in Downloads.
View on your smartphone/tablet.
If you are just viewing the Afterglow on your device you might like to set up a "shortcut" so that you dont need to search for it each time.
Find the file on your device using your FILES app. To the right of the file name you will see three dots. Click on these and scroll down to "Add to Home Screen" (you may need to check your display is unlocked). A shortcut image and name is added to your screen.
The above works on my smartphone, it might be slightly different on an i-phone, i.e. Add to Home Screen, but the principal is the same.
The Afterglow document is, currently, eighty pages! It will print two pages doublesided to create an A5 booklet. This can then be stapled.
First of all chek that your printer can print double-sided automatically. Most inkjet printers can print doublesided. Next does it have a "booklet" option? If it does printing is simple. Check you have plenty of paper in the printer (at least 40 sheets). Open the document. Click PRINT. Choose BOOKLET option and press OK, or PRINT.